June 18, 2022

Game on! DRDC Global Brand Ambassador and Strategist head out to the Power Up event in London, UK

by | June 18, 2022 | 0 comments

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The Science Museum in London, UK has turned into every gamer’s paradise with this year’s Power Up, an interactive gaming event that showcases the most famous video games and gaming consoles from the past five decades. Alistair Otto, associate commercial director at the Science Museum Group, said on the event’s website, “This year, iconic arcade game Pong turns fifty and at Power Up visitors will get to discover in a hands-on way how video games have evolved over the following decades. Video games are a captivating combination of storytelling, technological advancement and thrill-seeking; this interactive experience offers visitors of all ages an opportunity to discover the possibilities of gaming technology, the evolution of game design but most importantly have fun,” With 160 consoles and an endless supply of video games from cult favorites, virtual reality, to retro games, the event successfully executed their mission to serve not only as entertainment for its patrons, but also as an educational experience for all video game enthusiasts.

DRDC’s very own Arlan and Louise had the privilege to experience Power Up 2022 and they definitely look like they had a blast! Being gamers themselves, it is an important task to see and understand how the space has evolved through time and really appreciate how recent technology has optimized the gaming experience.

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This trip to the Science Museum is equal parts leisure and business as the duo also paid attention to how this exhibit can give insight to the organization’s market for their first project, Spirits of Aporia (SoA). As our tagline goes, DRDC believes that technology and design should seamlessly exist, and the team is passionately working to accomplish this goal by observing the history and culture of the gaming industry. We are dedicated to bringing back the “game” in blockchain gaming. After the controversies faced by the NFT gaming space about its declining in-game economic sustainability, skepticism have risen — all with valid reasons, of course. Gamers are starting to lose interest in these games due to their subpar game design. We aim to solve this by creating a strong foundation within the game play while establishing a more sustainable rewards system for its players.

This is all made possible by the SoA community and Dev Build testers who are 100% involved in the game development stages, as discussed by DRDC’s Game Dev Content Creator, Nicole a.k.a Pep, in Pep Talk 2. Indeed, we hold our promise close to the heart — the game is us, and the game is ours. We are carefully considering the community’s ideas and suggestions, even having platforms like Forum 2.0 and other social media sites as avenues for discussion regarding the game development process. SoA holds a promising future within the gaming space as the project was done in close collaboration with its community. Moreover, we are open to partnerships with gaming industry players in their journey of creating a strong and thoughtfully made gaming experience.

Did we pique your interest? Send us an email at contactus@wearedrdc.io for collaborations and partnerships!


This article was put together by DRDC intern, Yana R. She is an educator, digital marketer, and a creative.

<a href="https://coachboostgio.com/author/wearedrdc/" target="_self">DRDC</a>



At DRDC, we believe that technology and design should seamlessly coexist.


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