May 18, 2022

Supporting Children’s Well-being After Natural Disasters

by | May 18, 2022 | 0 comments


During this pandemic, the children need full support from the adults around them to cope with the current situation. The parents, teachers, family, friends, or health volunteers can help them to deal with the situation or unexpected event in their lives.

Dr. Sison shared her knowledge and expertise to guide the adults in handling children’s responses and behavior. Also, along with this, she gave recommendations on how to manage what the child is experiencing. 

Dr. Gia Sison is a practicing medical doctor specializing in occupational medicine, who is a graduate of UST. She is also a Philippine Leader for Livestrong Foundation and the National Leader for Youth Coalition.

Let us learn on how to support the children’s well-being after natural disasters.

What makes children vulnerable?

They are vulnerable when…

-the understanding is less,

-there is less control and experience, and

-there is challenge in communicating their feelings.

Determinants of  impact of natural disasters to a child:

-exposure to the actual event

-personal injury

-dislocation from their home or community

Common symptoms for post-traumatic stress disorder:

-re-experinceing the traumatic event

-avoidance and numbing

Dr. Gia shared the meaning of TRAUMA through the following words.

T- raumatic event

R- e-experience

A- voidance

U- nable to function

M-onth (at least)


Recognize traumatic responses:

-Engaging in repetitive play that re-enacts the trauma

-Being alert, tense and on-edge 

-Having dreams or nightmares of the event

According to Dr. Gia, “Emotional responses that are persistent and impair a return to normal functioning should be considered pathologic.”

5 Factors That Increase the Risk of “Traumatic Grief”

Sudden, unanticipated deaths

Deaths involving violence, mutilation, and destruction

Deaths that are perceived as random or preventable, or both

Many deaths

Deaths are seen by the survivor that is linked to a serious threat to personal survival or a huge violent confrontation with death and mutilation

When to refer?

When the condition is progressing or worsening

Communication with other people like families and friends is affected

How to provide support to children?

Before the disaster:

  1. discuss to the child about the situation
  2. plan to reunite with family members
  3. engage the child to take part in school drills

How to manage regressive behavior ?

Dr. Gia also shared how to manage regressive behavior with the following steps. First, accept and acknowledge the behavior of the child. Second, do not punish them for their behavior. Finally, reward them with their desired responses.  

Understand Emotional Reactions: 

  • Talk about how you feel especially to your child what has happened and acknowledge their responses as natural and normal for the current situation. 
  • Show honesty to the children to help deal with the situation.
  • Make sure that you are prepared to answer questions.
  • Work with others like teachers, and other adults. 
  • Reassuring your child that everyone is safe and loved. 
  • Limit media exposure to protect your child’s feeling and understanding of the situation.
  • Stick to the routines by setting as a good example to your child. 
  • Try to do family-based activities that will give connectedness or togetherness to the family.
  • Take action if your child shows helplessness.

Recommendations on Specific Concerns Among Children Exposed to Traumatic Events:

  • Sleep disorders

Set the time for sleeping. Reassure the child that you are with them when they sleep.

  • Excessive Clinging

Reassure that the child is safe. Make sure that you encourage physical contact like cuddling. Also, explain to the child the reason for separation.

  • School Problems

Seek rapid school reintegration, take a break from school work when necessary

  • Anxiety

Reassure the child. Be careful with your anxiety not to send it to the child.

  • Rebellious, hostile, and reckless behavior

Show patience. Give rules to the child. 

  • Pain and Somatic Complaints

Rule out medical conditions and if necessary, resort to health services. Also, make sure to identify the connection between what happens and the symptoms.

Dr. Gia has shared many things about supporting the child’s well-being after a disaster, and this would need the cooperation, love, and dedication of the adults or people around them to help them get through it. 

<a href="" target="_self">Coach Boost Gio</a>

Coach Boost Gio


As a compassionate motivational speaker specializing personal finance topics and game streamer, Boost Gio has positioned himself in a career that can be explained in one phrase: “serving others.” Devoted advocate for elders, and businessman/woman, He has given without counting the returns, since 2010. Supporting the less fortunate as volunteer. As well as organizing charity events to give value to them. Boost Gio is a certified life coach under The Life Coach Training Institute in Manila, Philippines. A satellite life coach training community from Dallas, Texas. As a life coach, he uses professional expertise and his personal experience from challenging situations in the past to boost elders and businessmen. Helping them leap from comfort zone to courage zone. He is committed to his clients’ personal and professional goals.


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