October 27, 2022


by | October 27, 2022 | 0 comments

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Festiverse is Canverse Asia’s flagship event which is taking place in Bangkok from 28 – 30
October 2022, in conjunction with the Thailand Comic Con. Festiverse is a three-day exhibition
held at Siam Paragons Royal Paragon Hall, where there are opportunities for the blockchain
community and public to have a better understanding of blockchain technology and the various
types of NFTs.
The highlights of Festiverse includes a NFT Gallery, Block Culture Awards, NFT Alley, exhibitors
such as Bitkub, SavannaSurvival & ATM, influencer sessions, Rave Night and more for attendees of
Rave Night is a party and business networking session with music and drinks that happens on 30
October at Sway, Thonglor, after the event to create opportunities for attendees to socialise,
exchange ideas or just enjoy themselves.

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Stay tuned for upcoming activities.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Festiverse-103020385630645/

<a href="https://coachboostgio.com/author/coach-boost-gio/" target="_self">Coach Boost Gio</a>

Coach Boost Gio


As a compassionate motivational speaker specializing personal finance topics and game streamer, Boost Gio has positioned himself in a career that can be explained in one phrase: “serving others.” Devoted advocate for elders, and businessman/woman, He has given without counting the returns, since 2010. Supporting the less fortunate as volunteer. As well as organizing charity events to give value to them. Boost Gio is a certified life coach under The Life Coach Training Institute in Manila, Philippines. A satellite life coach training community from Dallas, Texas. As a life coach, he uses professional expertise and his personal experience from challenging situations in the past to boost elders and businessmen. Helping them leap from comfort zone to courage zone. He is committed to his clients’ personal and professional goals.


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