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Join credit card debt into one line of credit. This can be achieved by adding all credit card debt onto a single line of credit, this will then allow you to transfer any interest to the one credit card.
If a person is not careful, debt can spiral out of control. Debt can be controlled, which is excellent news. Credit card debt is the most difficult sort of debt for consumers today. Millions of credit card users are looking for a way to handle their financial obligations. Credit card consolidation is a common way to handle debt.
If you don’t take care, credit card debt consolidation can become even more of a financial strain. It’s critical to keep your credit card accounts under control and not overextend your credit. Transferring a high-interest-rate credit card balance to a lower-interest-rate credit card is a frequent way to merge credit card debt. For example, suppose you had many credit cards with balances ranging from a few hundred to a few thousand dollars and interest rates ranging from 17 to 20% or more. Moving those bigger amounts to the card with the lower interest rate could save a significant amount of money each year.
You have a card with a 13.5 percent or lower interest rate. It may be possible to transfer the balance from the higher interest card to the lower interest card.
Shifting a larger balance to a newer reduced interest rate card could save you a lot of money. This would be a good way to join credit card debt. But hold on a second. Before considering this type of credit card debt consolidation, there are several drawbacks to consider. Please consider the following hazards before transferring any balances: The new card you’re contemplating may offer a teaser rate, which will expire and be replaced by a higher interest rate.
Read the fine print terms of the new card to ensure that you understand exactly what the new higher rate will be in the future and that your debt consolidation plan does not suffer any setbacks. If you’ve decided that transferring your high-interest balance to a lower-interest card will help you consolidate your credit card debt, make sure you have a plan in place for that new zero-balance card. Do not become a victim of the “empty card” syndrome. Many people will find themselves back to square one and in debt by charging again on their zero balance card only because of the convenience and the zero balance. Do not let your mind trick you into this type of mentality, you will only be struggling with more debt and fail in your debt consolidation plan. One option is to make that card disappear from sight as you are less likely to use it if it is not accessible.
To put it another way, out of sight, out of mind. You won’t use the card if you don’t see it, so you won’t defeat the goal of consolidating your credit card debt. If you join credit card debt by transferring a large sum to a card with a lower interest rate, be aware of the risks of empty card syndrome and the new card’s teaser rates. Credit and debt management must be done-, or you will find yourself in a serious financial bind.
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